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678 King Street
Denver, CO, 80204
United States

(720) 515-9838

We are an Anglican Church in the Villa Park neighborhood in south-west Denver.  We seek to share in the life of God together by re-defining and re-orienting everything around the gospel of Jesus Christ. We follow a liturgical form of worship and welcome friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. 


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Ash Wednesday Services

  • Church of the Advent 678 King Street Denver, CO, 80204 United States (map)

“For you were made from dust, and to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19

Join us as we remember our humanity and our need for a Savior and prepare to enter Lent.

12:00pm : A simple liturgical prayer service.

6:30pm: A longer time of liturgy and worship. Childcare provided

Earlier Event: February 28
Sexual Integrity 101: Zoom class