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678 King Street
Denver, CO, 80204
United States

(720) 515-9838

We are an Anglican Church in the Villa Park neighborhood in south-west Denver.  We seek to share in the life of God together by re-defining and re-orienting everything around the gospel of Jesus Christ. We follow a liturgical form of worship and welcome friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. 

Intro to Anglicanism Class

Intro to Anglicanism Banner w dates.png

Our Intro to Anglicanism class is offered in the late summer every year (August/September) and takes place over the course of about four weeks.

This class is for two groups of people— (1) It is offered to anyone who is interested in learning more about our Anglican Way of being Christian, and (2) it is required for those interested in being confirmed by our Bishop in the Fall. Youth are especially encouraged to participate in this class and seek confirmation, but confirmation is not for youth only. Also note that those serving or looking to serve as a vestry member are asked to pursue confirmation within one year of the start of their tenure. Advent’s small group leaders are highly encouraged, though not required, to pursue confirmation as well. If you are not already confirmed, please read the linked article and prayerfully consider initiating a conversation with Pastor Jordan on the possibility of being confirmed.

We engage and discuss two resources throughout the class: The Anglican Way and To Be A Christian.

Questions: Pastor Jordan Kologe (

Childcare may be provided depending on the number of families needing it and the number of children.