Important Update
Advent Denver
Hello church family. Peace be with you!
Several of the staff, clergy, and vestry met today to discuss our ongoing response to Coronavirus. After hearing from them, consulting with other pastors, and monitoring the latest from the CDC and local officials, I've decide the most loving and wise thing to do is to cancel in-person services and all other official church activities for the next two weeks, at which point we will reevaluate. I'm excited about the way this will call out of us more creative and sacrificial ways of loving one another, our friends, and our neighbors. For starters, here are some things we are cooking up:
Prayer and spiritual formation support. Jeromie is working on a solution for offering a digital platform for us to come together in daily morning prayer.
Family support. We are working on a way to offer families with children who are home from school some creative and formative ways of spending the time together (let Brenda or me know if you have ideas/resources!)
Grocery/supplies support. Stephanie Giles has volunteered to coordinate grocery/supply delivery for those in our midst who are self-quarantined and need groceries or other specific supplies. Let her know if you need anything OR are open to lending a hand on this front. Please CC
Pastoral care. Please let your small group leaders know if there are any ways you need increased care and support. All Advent clergy and I are also available to talk, pray, and process with you. Don't hesitate to reach out.
Financial Assistance. People in our church and in our community are facing the loss of hours and the loss of jobs. We'd like to be in a position to help as needs arise. You can help by giving to the Pastoral Discretionary Fund at This would be a great time to make use of our online giving platform if you are not already doing so.
While the world is panic-buying and isolating, you are invited to embrace your identity as priests of God: Worship Him, rest in Him, draw near to one another in creative ways, live courageously and generously with your neighbors and coworkers.
In the words of C.S. Lewis during war-time: “I think it is important to try to see the present calamity in a true perspective. The war [or Coronavirus] creates no absolutely new situation: it simply aggravates the permanent human situation so that we can no longer ignore it.” Whether in war or in a global pandemic, remember - priests of God - that "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1). He is your refuge. Your fortress. Your God. In life and in death... Fear not and trust Him!
Lastly, some resources and points of prayer for you to bring before the throne of God.
Digital resources:
Songs of Comfort For Anxious Souls (TGC): Spotify and Apple Music
Daily Office from the 2019 BCP. A great resource if the physical BCP intimidates you. It's all organized for you - just scroll!
Better than Netflix! Seminary level classes (free for the month march) on a range of topics from a large Anglican Church in the Carolinas. Use promo code: Psalm103:3
Prayer requests:
The beautiful people of Advent — for health, witnessing opportunities, peace, and joy;
Archbishop Foley Beach, Bishop Ken Ross, and other Christian leaders -- for discernment and clarity in their many decisions and responsibilities;
For our national, regional, and local political leaders -- for wisdom, courage, humility, and a keen sense of God’s presence and guidance;
For nurses, doctors, other medical professionals and medical researchers (at Advent and beyond) -- for endurance, health, insight, skill, and for their families.
Residents in nursing homes and elderly care facilities, and those who care for them, — for hope and an abiding confidence in God’s nearness, mercy, and kindness;
For our military and for those overseas — for strength, courage, and service that attains to human flourishing.
For the poor and marginalized, the persecuted church, and for those without access to healthcare -- for provision and the faith to stand firm and to wait upon the Lord in the midst of unimaginable trials and suffering;
Those who do not yet trust Christ -- for their hearts to be opened to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Stay tuned for more information and opportunities to connect. May the peace of God reign in you!