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678 King Street
Denver, CO, 80204
United States

(720) 515-9838

We are an Anglican Church in the Villa Park neighborhood in south-west Denver.  We seek to share in the life of God together by re-defining and re-orienting everything around the gospel of Jesus Christ. We follow a liturgical form of worship and welcome friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. 


Children's Ministry - Godly Play Fundraiser

Advent Denver


Do you remember stretching out our hands while a blessing was declared over Advent’s kids before they left our time of worship? What about the clamoring of the little feet rushing back into the sanctuary before communion, eager to share what they learned in Children’s Church? Children already have such an innate sense of the presence of God!

What you may not recall was our excitement about a new curriculum that Church of the Advent was about to implement. The Godly Play® method is a curriculum of spiritual practice exploring the mystery of God’s presence in our lives. It engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us into—and pursuing us in the midst of—Scripture and spiritual experience. This approach helps kids explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. You can get a sense of this curriculum as we adapted it for video early on during the pandemic. Watch the Parable of the Good Samaritan here.

Though we don't know when we will be back to our "normal" Children's Church experience, we are preparing to use Godly Play to tell the stories given to us in the Bible in a way that invites us to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives. During this pandemic, we have been working at getting everything in place to be ready to welcome our kids by creating a sacred children’s environment with beautiful materials and training a group of “storytellers” and “doorpersons.”

We’d love your assistance in equipping our new Godly Play classroom! It takes a lot of effort and resources to set up this space, but once it is in place, and because it uses beautiful, high-quality materials that have a long life, it can be used for many years to come. You can help in one of two ways:

1)     Directly purchase and donate a Godly Play story to Church of the Advent’s classroom.

This Google document has a list of the specific stories we would like to purchase. Please select one and put your name by the story you, your small group, or your gospel friendship group would like to give. When you order it, have it shipped to:

Brenda Wright

830 Fenton St.

Lakewood, CO 80214  

2)     Make a special donation to Advent’s Children’s Ministry Fund to be used in the purchasing of Godly Play material. 

Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Advent has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds for the purposes established by the Vestry for the Children’s Ministry Fund. While we will endeavor to use the funds as you desire or suggest within the Children’s Ministry Fund, we may use the gift for another purpose.

Thank you for considering supporting Advent's Children's Ministry in this way! We ask that if you do choose to give financially, that you consider doing this above and beyond your usual gift to Advent, as your regular giving is necessary for the everyday functioning and ministry of Advent.

If you have any questions about the Godly Play curriculum or stories. please contact our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Brenda Wright, at

Thank you once again for the help and the encouragement with Advent’s kids so that with the help of God, they may learn to know Him, follow Jesus, serve their neighbor, and take their place within the life and worship of Christ’s Church.