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678 King Street
Denver, CO, 80204
United States

(720) 515-9838

We are an Anglican Church in the Villa Park neighborhood in south-west Denver.  We seek to share in the life of God together by re-defining and re-orienting everything around the gospel of Jesus Christ. We follow a liturgical form of worship and welcome friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. 


Lent @ Advent

Advent Denver

Hello Advent family!

Please take 3 minutes to watch this video outlining our plans for Lent:

I’m truly excited to enter into Lent with you and to share what I am inviting our church family into for the season. In short, I want to invite you to fasting and feasting.


Advent invites you to join the family in weekly community fasts. See this document outlining these plans in detail, including a bit of the "why" behind fasting, and offering some reflection questions for your use in small groups, gospel friendship groups, or with your family.


Advent invites you to feast in at least three ways this Lent:

• Read the book of 1st Peter once every week of Lent.

• In person or online, I invite you to be present with and prayerfully engage every sermon in our Lenten Series: Flourishing in Exile.

• Receive Holy Communion every week. I will offer drive-by communion between services for those who are worshipping online. There is no substitute for being nourished by Christ in the sacrament, and I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to receive Holy Communion every Sunday. Two ideas:

1) One parent may pick up and bring communion to their family;

2) Use the extra drive time to engage the sermon, listen to 1 Peter, or discuss the fasting reflection questions.

Lent may also be a good time to set aside 20-30 minutes one or more mornings each week during lent to engage morning prayer, available 4 days/week on our YouTube page. Our morning prayer community has been praying for our church all year and seen many, many answers to prayer along the way.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you, and bring you His peace!
